Cache Channels

When issuing an MXS command to cache a dynset, we can include an integer to indicate what cache channels to include. The integer uses a powers of 2 system, where all the channel values below are added together to indicate what channels to cache.

For example, to cache Position and Velocity, the MXS integer would be 3.

To cache Shape and Position the MXS integer would be 4097.

To cache all channels, the MXS integer would be 16383

By Power

Position: 1

Velocity: 2

Spin: 4

Age: 8

Lifespan: 16

Alignment: 32

Mass: 64

Size: 128

Scale: 256

MaterialTime: 512

DTFactor: 1024

Randomseed: 2048

Shape: 4096

Data Channels: 8196

By MXS Order

Position: 1

Velocity: 2

Size: 128

Scale: 256

Age: 8

Lifespan: 16

Mass: 64

Alignment: 32

Spin: 4

MaterialTime: 512

Randomseed: 2048

DTFactor: 1024

Data Channels: 8196

Shape: 4096